Resilient Leadership Development Program


Professional Coaching for Leaders and Entrepreneurs 

Transform your impact as a leader

The Resilient Leadership Development Program is a unique learning experience that that takes both work and life into account. Transforming your restless mind into resilient ease and flow, leading out of your Sage mindset, and releasing stress.

Why Positive Intelligence (PQ = Positivity Quotient)?   

Like being physically fit, allows one to climb steep hills with ease, so does being mentally fit allow one to handle life’s challenges easily.  Mental fitness increases happiness, satisfaction and a joy-filled life.  It leads to a quicker recovery when you are thrown off balance.  Negativity is diminished which leads to greater productivity, performance and joy! It takes practice; mental fitness practice empowers a shift to positivity.  Positive Intelligence is a framework and a system to help you identify the exact patterns that are holding you back and reprogram. It’s the science and practice of mental and emotional mastery.      

How do we create shifts? 

Two tools, PQ and Saboteur assessments, reveal your positivity quotient and the saboteurs who work to undermine positivity.  Once aware, you

 can choose to shift to the positive.  These assessments measure how much your mind is serving or sabotaging, identifying negative patterns and level of positivity

The Resilient Leadership Development Program
is your “go-to process” for alignment, ease and flow.

It is the path of busy entrepreneurs and leaders who want to intercept their mental saboteurs, step out of the push/busy autopilot self, and learn how to build new neural pathways to face challenges with flow and positive mindset, and develop a calm and wise mindset for sustainable success and happiness.


Resilient Leadership Development Program:

  • 6-month coaching program
  • Included: Positive Intelligence® 6-week Bootcamp course
    • PQ Assessments - PQ app access – PQ Audible Book
  • Learn to access the best of who you are and bring that awareness, knowledge, and right-directed action into every aspect of your life
  • Lead from your Sage mindset

"If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

~African Proverb